Shortly after I graduated from high school, my aunt introduced me to a girl she used to work with. I will call her Linda. Linda was a very nice girl and I fell head over heels for her. I think as far as I know, she had strong feelings for me too. We were talking one night and one of the people we were with brought up the subject of homosexuality, why I don't know. Anyway she said she hated anyone who acted a little effeminate or who was homosexual. was neither so I felt I was 0.K.
We were parking one night and I was running my hand along her leg. She had nylons on and I couldn't help but feel them. She asked me if I was feeling her legs or the nylons. Jokingly I said I was feel- ing the nylons. I wanted her to take it as a joke but she seemed to know something was up. She started to ask a lot of questions and by the time we were throught talking I had to admit that I liked the feel of soft silky materials. About a week later she broke up with me without any substantial reason.
I was deeply hurt and decided that no girl would put up with what I was. I would stay home practicaly every night reading everything I could buy on the subject.
In the summer of 1966 I met the girl who is now my wife. I had a very warm feeling inside every time I saw her. I was afraid I was falling in love again but I was. I tried to stop dressing but I did not have enough willpower. I started dressing again and made up my mind that I had to tell her because we were making plans to get married and I wanted to give her every opportunity to change her mind. I prayed to God to give me the courage to tell her, but as it turned out, I didn't need courage but a good explanation. What happened was that I had bought a book on female impersonators as it was the closest thing to what I was looking for. Any- way, my father found it and asked me how come I had a book about "Queers". I told him it was in a pile